What To Expect During Your First CoolSculpting® Session


The journey to a sculpted body often requires a combination of exercise, diet, and determination. But sometimes — despite our best effort — pockets of fat persist.

Enter CoolSculpting®, a game-changing solution from the Rendon Center that promises to freeze and eliminate those troublesome areas.

More than just a trendy procedure, CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved therapy that targets fat cells while leaving the skin and surrounding area untouched. The treatment is non-invasive, devoid of surgical cuts, and lets you hop back to your daily activities without downtime. If you’re considering this procedure, here’s what you need to know.

The Procedure

Upon arriving for your session, your doctor will position your body based on the targeted area. Next, a gel pad followed by the CoolSculpting applicator is placed on this area. Connected to a machine, the applicator head facilitates temperature control and other settings essential for the treatment. Patient comfort is always a priority at the Rendon Center, so expect pillows and a blanket for added ease of mind and relaxation. After the treatment, the applicator and gel pad are carefully removed, and any residue is cleaned.

Preparation Tips

There are a few things you can do ahead of the procedure to enhance the CoolSculpting experience and eventual results:

  • Exercise: Engage in regular exercise leading up to your session.
  • Hydration: Stay hydrated! Start by drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water before the treatment to support post-treatment fat elimination.
  • Avoid medications: Try to avoid supplements like aspirin and fish oil to minimize bruising risks.
  • Bask responsibly: Steer clear of sunbathing and tanning pre-treatment to avoid any sunburn-related discomfort.

Frequency of Treatments

Part of the beauty of CoolSculpting can be found in its tailored approach. While some see results after just one session, others may need two to three treatments. Typically, there’s a few weeks’ gap between sessions, allowing time to assess improvement. If after the suggested sessions you still want more refined results, additional treatments can be scheduled.

Schedule a Consultation Today

CoolSculpting offers an effective solution for those battling stubborn fat that won’t fade with only diet changes and exercise.

It might just be the thing you’ve been looking for. To delve deeper into the world of CoolSculpting and see if it’s the right fit for you, give them a call at 561-750-0544. Schedule your personalized consultation at The Rendon Center or explore their Boca Raton, FL, locations by visiting their contact page.

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