Facial Dandruff
(Seborrheic Dermatitis)

One of the most common scalp conditions is dandruff. For some people, it is easy to hide dandruff based on the thickness and type of their hair. Facial dandruff is called seborrheic dermatitis, and it is not easy to hide. Facial dandruff can most frequently be seen on a person’s eyelids, eyebrows, even ears, as well as on the creases of their nose. A person can be more susceptible to developing facial dandruff dependent on several factors. Nevertheless, there are ways to treat facial dandruff, along with products to aid in preventing it from occurring.

Patches that are scaly, dry, oily, or red are characteristic of facial dandruff. The scales associated with condition normally have a yellowish appearance. While the patches may look dry because of the scales, upon touching it, you will feel these areas to be oily. 

There are two main causes of facial dandruff. As said by the American Academy of Family Physicians, skin yeast that occurs naturally, called malassezia, can result in inflammation that is associated with dandruff when it increases in large quantities. The other main cause of dandruff is when a person’s skin pores produce too much oil. This can occur if you have skin that is oily, but even more so if you do not regularly wash your face. By not washing your skin, you allow a build-up of oil. Washing your face too much can also lead to problems, especially if the products you use contain alcohol.

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