Laser Hair Removal Palm Beach

Patients in the Palm Beach area often visit Rendon Center for Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine for laser hair removal.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal has been done for many years to address unwanted hair on the body. When patients attend all sessions and continue regular maintenance, they will be able to enjoy permanent elimination of hair in the treatment area. However, just one appointment is not enough for permanent results.

When is the right time to get hair removed?

Hair grows in cycles, which include the active growth phase and the resting phase. Using our Light Sheer Diode Laser, we are able to address actively growing hair follicles and keep them from developing further hair growth. However, the laser is unable to treat the hair follicles in the resting phase—the hair must cycle through to the active growth phase in order for the laser to treat them.

How many laser hair removal sessions are needed?

Because of the growth cycles, patients are encouraged to visit several times for many treatments over the course of a few months. This way the laser can target all the hair follicles in the treatment area and provide smooth, silky skin!

Does laser hair removal permanently remove hair?

Laser hair removal can provide a reduction or complete elimination of hair in the treatment area, and this is determined by the number of appointments patients attend. Patients can expect several visits to remove hair on a specific area completely, and are encouraged to schedule yearly touch-up visits if necessary.

We believes in offering new and existing patients quality dermatological care they deserve and our practice has many treatments and procedures available for health and beauty. At the Rendon Center for Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine, our team is committed to offering comprehensive dermatological services for everyone. If you are located in the Boca Raton area and have considered laser hair removal or other laser therapies, speak with a board-certified dermatologist in a state-of-the-art practice to get the best, most advanced care and attention in the area.

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