Psoriasis is a condition that can impact a patient for the rest of their life. It is important that patients who have been diagnosed with this condition work with a professional to help them in managing it as they age. The dedicated team at the Rendon Center work regularly with Boca Raton, FL area patients to help them get a proper diagnosis of their condition and also assist with management over time.
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a condition that results from the overproduction of skin cells. It can cause patches of skin that are scaley, red, or white to form. The condition is a lifelong condition that requires the assistance of a dermatologist to manage with time.
Does psoriasis get worse with age?
There is no research that shows that psoriasis itself gets worse as a patient ages. However, the skin does change throughout the aging process and can make it more susceptible to psoriasis flare-ups. This is why it is important to work directly with a doctor to get a proper diagnosis of the type of psoriasis a patient has and then help them choose a treatment that will work best. In some instances, patients may need to change up the treatment choice if their skin changes with time. Monitoring the condition with a dermatologist is the best way to find the point at which a treatment therapy might need to be changed up to keep up with the condition’s changing status.
What treatments are available for psoriasis?
There are a few different approaches to treating psoriasis including both oral and topical solutions, and some patients may also benefit from lifestyle changes, such as increased use of sunblock and adding in additional skin therapies to keep the skin as healthy as possible.
Schedule a visit to the Rendon Center today!
Boca Raton, FL area patients ready to learn more about psoriasis and how to manage it as they age are welcome to call our associates to discuss treatment options. Call (561) 750-0544 to request a consultation visit at 1001 NW 13th Street, Suite #100.